********************************************* * Razorback Radio News - Electronic Edition * * (c) September 23 1994 * ********************************************* Annual meeting - 1st Thursday of September Regular meetings - 1st Thursday of each month Informal Lunch meeting - every Thursday Operation SKYWARN - whenever necessary!! ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Next Meeting is Thursday, October 6th, 1900 local, BELL 291 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ In this issue ... o Welcome new members o Ham Radio License exam! o The Prez Sez o 'net notes o Report on work activities o Report on fun activities Welcome new members ------------------- ARCUA welcomes Kevin Thornton (COMM), Ryan Wells (MATH) and Russ Smith N0QLT (ELEG). Glad to have you guys on board. Kevin and Ryan are SWLs - Still Without License - but they both hope to get licensed this semester. Russ holds an advanced class license. Ham Radio License exam! ----------------------- Speaking of licenses ... ARCUA, in conjunction with the NWAARC, will be sponsoring a ham radio license exam on Saturday October 29 at 0900 local time. Mark this on your calendars. Go ahead, I'll wait. If you want your license, NOW is the time to begin studying. Five weeks is more than enough time to learn the material necessary to pass the entry level exam. Heck, it's enough time to learn Morse Code and pass the 5 wpm code test (Frank :-). ARCUA has study materials available, some via ftp (see below). So get out there and tell all your geek^H^H^H^Htechnologically inclined friends to get a move on! The Prez Sez ------------ From jjm2@engr.engr.uark.edu Date: Fri, 23 Sep 1994 12:53:45 -0500 (CDT) From: Jeff McFarland A word from your leader (who is still sore from being run over by Engine #9 ...) This semester has really gotten off to a good start, as far as ARCUA's activities are concerned. Earlier in September a few of us worked on raising a new tower section and installing our newly purchased 17m band beam antenna. Thanks to all who were there, especially Kevin Fandre, who joined our club despite the labor, and also Frank Buercklin, our Sec/ Treas/Tower Monkey. We are currently tossing around a few ideas regarding future projects/ expansion. Some of them sound exciting, but more on this later. Because Mr. Buercklin and I are lab partners for EE Sr. Design lab and our project is a Pseudo-doppler Radio Direction Finder, we participated in the NW Arkansas club's monthly foxhunt on Sunday, Sept. 18. Using only a HT and a pencil, we came in second. Out of three. The doppler won in about 10 minutes. No surprise there. All in all, the foxhunt was great fun. In doing research on the doppler device, we have heard a lot of great stories about clubs that have well-established foxhunts. I think this would be a great thing for our club to implement, and it would be a good way to attract new recruits into the Amateur Radio Community. Jeff McFarland President, ARCUA KB5RUI 'net notes ---------- From the internet ... ARCUA's WorldWideWeb (WWW) page is up and running!! Just point your browser (Lynx [text only] or Mosaic [text and graphics]) at: http://cavern.uark.edu/w5ym/ Many things can be found there including: exam Q&A pools, ARCUA/W5YM history, archive of newsletters, photos of club activities, access to Usenet ham radio newsgroups, etc., etc. Let us know what you think and if you have suggestions, please pass them on. On a related note, if you anonymously ftp to cavern.uark.edu and cd to /people/w5ym you will be able to look at ARCUA's archive site. Currently, exam Q&A pools are available as is SuperMorse. Current NASA "two line elements" for your satellite tracking program are there too. Some general interest ham text files are there too. Report on work activities ------------------------- As Our Leader mentioned the club has nearly completed the installation of the WARC-band beam. All that remains to be done is: final adjustment of the elements and running of coax and rotor wire to the shack. Dr. Charlton (Our Other Leader) sez that negotiations with PHPL are going well. We may even have new guy anchors installed in the next month! Stand by to plan a MAJOR, multi-day work party! Before we get that far, we need to refurbish the HyGain TH6DXX beam - all the parts are here, let's get together and get this done! Report on fun activities ------------------------ As Mr. McFarland noted, the NWAARC recently held a "fox hunt" where participants try to discover the location of a hidden transmitter. Expensive equipment is not necessary as was proved last weekend by both Jeff & Frank and myself and Jeanette KB5TFX. Both of our teams used a combination of Pine-Covered-Graphite antennas and maps 'n' compasses. The PCG antennas are used in conjunction with the "body shading" method ... Speaking of fun, October 5 is the Student Organization Info Fair in front of the Union. ARCUA has had a booth there for the past several years and it is a good way to both show off and attract new members. Please respond to the listserv (W5YM-L@uafsysb.uark.edu) with your ideas for this event. Calendar -------- September 24-25 CQ Magazine Worldwide RTTY contest (Starts Fri. eve.) October 5 Student Organization Fair, ARKU October 6 ARCUA OCTOBER MEETING 1900 - BELL 291 October 15 SET - Simulated Emergency Test October 15-16 JARTS RTTY contest October 29 HAM RADIO EXAM 0900 - BELL 273 October 29-30 ARRL E-M-E Contest Every Monday 2m net on 146.76- MHz Every Thursday ARCUA Lunch Meet (Yummy!) 73 DE W5YM =========================================================================== Considering joining the ARRL? If you do, make sure you do it through ARCUA. Why? Because the League lets us keep $5 from every new member that joins. We get $2 for every renewal, too. In addition to QST, widely viewed as the best amateur radio journal on the market, ARRL membership gives you important benefits like inexpensive equipment insurance, a Field Organization helping hams in every state and a voice in amateur radio related affairs in Washington DC. Please contact the treasurer 3 months in advance of your renewal date. =========================================================================== Razorback Radio News is a publication of the Amateur Radio Club of the University of Arkansas, Inc. All contents are copyrighted. Peter Laws,Editor.