********************************************* * Razorback Radio News - Electronic Edition * * (c) November 1994 * ********************************************* Annual meeting - 1st Thursday of September Regular meetings - 1st Thursday of each month Informal Lunch meeting - every Thursday Operation SKYWARN - whenever necessary!! +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Next Meeting: Thursday, December 1, 1900 CST, Bell 291 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ o Meeting topics o Sweepstakes o Exam results o The Prez Sez Greetings! Meeting December 1 ------------------ The next meeting is fast approaching. This month's get-together features several attractions. First up is a progress report from the "Doppler Boys", President Jeff KB5RUI and Sec'y Frank KB5WAR. They have assured themselves an A in their senior design class by building a doppler-based radio direction finder. If all goes well, there will be a demo and technical discussion of the unit. An ARCUA alumnus, Jim Haynes W6JVE, will be our special guest. He was instrumental in establishing W5YM as the first amateur Radio Teletype (RTTY) station in 1956-57 and was quite active here for several years. He has put some of his ARCUA memories down in bytes and (pending his permission) these will be made available in the history section of the WWW page. If we're real lucky, we may be able to coax some stories out of Mr Haynes (especially ones involving a High School student named "Woody"). There is also official talk of refreshments. Maybe even refreshments with pepperoni. Sweepstakes ----------- The 1994 ARRL November Sweepstakes (Phone) were held this weekend and ARCUA/W5YM participated in a BIG way. A total of nine operators worked the club station and it sure paid off! W5YM achieved the coveted "Clean Sweep" for working stations in all 77 ARRL/RAC sections on it's way to making 946 QSOs for a total of 145,684 points! We even managed to work 8 other college radio clubs. The impetus for the club's participation this year was a discussion the took place on the HAM-UNIV email list. Someone remarked that there was no college competitions. Someone else suggested that the folks on the list start one - so we did. As a result some 35 college radio clubs planned to participate. Results are just trickling in as of this writing, but it looks like W5YM will be in the top five (of the college stations) if not second place. The top spot will probably go to contest powerhouse Georgia Tech W4AQL. They made 1719 QSOs on there way to a Clean Sweep and 264,726 points. Whew! The summary, including hourly breakdowns, will soon be available on the ARCUA WWW homepage (http://cavern.uark.edu/w5ym/). The editor would like to thank the W5YM contest team, who, despite their cruel taskmaster's whippings appeared to enjoy themselves (I *think* ...): President Jeff KB5RUI, VP Clendon KC5JDO, Russ N0QLT, Andy AA5DL, Dr C. K5GOE, Chuck KM5G, Kevin SWL, and Ryan SWL (Still Waiting for License). Mark your calendars, guys: Field Day is June 24-25! Exam Results ------------ ARCUA, in conjunction with the NWAARC held and exam on October 29th in Bell. Twelve candidates participated and all but two left happy. Included in "happy" group was ARCUA's own J. J. Hunt. In other exam news, ARCUA members (and Razorback Marching Band members) Kevin Thornton and Ryan Wells also took their test in Bella Vista during the week of November 7. They also left happy. Congratulations to all three newly-minted Technicians! (Hey guys, see us about Morse Code tapes and software before you go home at Xmas ... :-) The Prez Sez ------------ From jjm2@engr.engr.uark.edu Date: Tue Nov 22 11:03:03 1994 From: Jeff McFarland This has really been a busy month. I would like to pass on my appreciation to some people for making my job a lot easier lately. Frank Buercklin - taking care of some registered mail to recover lost equipment. Clendon Gibson - working on various projects and keeping me up to date on current club news. Peter Laws - organizing our testing on Oct 29 and various email and publishing items. Dr. Charlton - keeping on the tower project. Dan Puckett - Handling Information Day. Sweepstakes was a lot of fun and I look forward to Field Day. See you on Dec 1 when Frank and I will update everyone on our design project. Have a happy & safe Thanksgiving! Jeff =========================================================================== "OK, please copy number 946 Bravo Whiskey Five Yankee Mexico, 16, one-six, Arkansas, Alpha Romeo!!!! QSL???" =========================================================================== Considering joining the ARRL? If you do, make sure you do it through ARCUA. Why? Because the League lets us keep $5 from every new member that joins. We get $2 for every renewal, too. In addition to QST, widely viewed as the best amateur radio journal on the market, ARRL membership gives you important benefits like inexpensive equipment insurance, a Field Organization helping hams in every state and a voice in amateur radio related affairs in Washington DC. Please contact the treasurer 3 months in advance of your renewal date. =========================================================================== Razorback Radio News is a publication of the Amateur Radio Club of the University of Arkansas, Inc. All contents are copyrighted. Peter Laws,Editor.