********************************************* * Razorback Radio News - Electronic Edition * * (c) January 1996 * ********************************************* Annual meeting - 1st Thursday of September Regular meetings - 1st & 3rd Thursdays of each month Informal Lunch meeting - every Thursday Operation SKYWARN - whenever necessary!! In This Issue: Meetings - Exams - The Prez Sez - Equipment - Contests Next Meeting: ------------- The next ARCUA meeting is TONIGHT, Thursday, January 18. The meeting will feature EE graduate student Paul Moffitt who will discuss the RF amplifier he built as an academic project. The business meeting will begin at 1845 CST in room 209 of Engineering Hall. Mr Moffitt will speak at 1930 CST. SKYWARN ------- Severe weather season is just around the corner (OK, last night), and to prepare for that, ARCUA is proud to once again sponsor a lecture on Severe Weather. Steve Piltz, Warning Coordination Meteorologist at NWS Tulsa will be the guest at ARCUA's February 1st meeting. Mr Piltz will speak about severe weather spotting and preparedness. The presentation will begin at 1930 CST and will be preceded by an ARCUA business meeting. Amateur Radio License Exam --------------------------- ARCUA is sponsoring a license exam on Saturday, February 10 at 0900 CST. The exam will be administered by volunteers accredited by the ARRL. All test elements will be available. IT IS NOT TOO LATE TO START STUDYING!!! Please write to w5ym@comp if you are planning to take this test. The Prez Sez ------------ Date: Wed, 17 Jan 1996 14:31:35 -0600 (CST) From: Kevin Thornton Hello all, It's time for another semester. I mentioned on the W5YM email list just how much I am looking forward to this semester, so I won't bore you with that again. I just want to encourage everyone to come to the meetings this semester. We have some great plans for the next few meetings. Some great speakers and our annual weather spotting course are some of the highlights. You can read more about this semester's calendar in this and coming issues of RRN. If you have ideas for activities/things you would like to do this semester, please let me know. I hope your semester goes great. See you at the meetings. Kevin, KC5LDC President ARCUA 1995-1996 Station Upgrades ---------------- Thanks to Dan K5FXB, Prof C K5GOE and Peter N5UWY, the Timewave DSP-9+ filter is now installed at W5YM. This filter processes the audio coming out of the HF rig and really helps to pull in "the weak ones". It operates in SSB, CW, and DATA modes. Because the filter uses audio from the radio, it was necessary to route that audio to an external speaker. Please ask one of the above mentioned members for directions before operating the filter (not that it's difficult, just that it won't be fun without some coaching). The filter is on loan from the Electrical Engineering Department and is used in DSP courses. XPcom is also installed on the club's computer and and is far superior to PC-Pakratt for most HF digital operations. Contests -------- Peter N5UWY operated W5YM in the recent ARRL RTTY Roundup. Using the "RTTY By WF1B" software, 614 QSOs were made to 78 multipliers for a total of 47,892 points. Alumni worked include Jim Haynes W6JVE and former ARCUA president and current trustee of W5YD, Dr Jim Akers W5VZF. Nice to be recognized on the air! School Club Roundup is almost here - February 12 through 16. Let's see if we can make a showing in this one. Tee Shirts ... -------------- ... are going fast, but a few are still available. $11.50 (plus shipping, if applicable). Anniversary ----------- This issue marks the second anniversary of the modern incarnation of Razorback Radio News. RRN was active from the mid-fifties through the early sixties and was even distributed "electronically" a few times! If your editor has time, he will scan in the old issues which remain in the ARCUA archive. SRI SRI MUST QRT FOR WX = 73 73 DE W5YM SK =========================================================================== Considering joining the ARRL? If you do, make sure you do it through ARCUA. Why? Because the League lets us keep $5 from every new member that joins. We get $2 for every renewal, too. In addition to QST, widely viewed as the best amateur radio journal on the market, ARRL membership gives you a voice in amateur radio related affairs in Washington DC. Please contact the treasurer 3 months in advance of your renewal date. =========================================================================== Razorback Radio News is a publication of the Amateur Radio Club of the University of Arkansas, Inc. All contents are Copyright (c) ARCUA 1996. Peter Laws, Editor.