********************************************* * Razorback Radio News - Electronic Edition * * (c) March 1996 * ********************************************* Annual meeting - 1st Thursday of September Regular meetings - 1st & 3rd Thursdays of each month Informal Lunch meeting - every Thursday Operation SKYWARN - whenever necessary!! Next Meeting ------------ ARCUA's next meeting is Thursday March 7 in Engineering Hall room 209. A business meeting will be held at 1845 CST. At 1930 CST, Mr Paul Moffitt, an Electrical Engineering graduate student, will present a lecture on the solid state RF amplifier that he built as an academic project. SKYWARN Class ------------- On Thursday, March 28, Mr Steve Piltz of the National Weather Service will present a lecture on severe weather spotting. This is a "must attend" lecture for anyone interested in SKYWARN operations. The lecture is open to all area amateur operators and all public safety officials. Prez Sez -------- From: Kevin Thornton Subject: Prez Sez Thank goodness it's almost springy breaky. That means the semsester is close to half over. That also means we have a lot to do. Info on the repeater is being sent out as we get it. The scout project is close to being a reality. We need volunteers for both of these. If you can't help with our major projects, then take time to clean the shack next time you are up there. Every little bit helps. Well, keep an eye on W5YM-L and _RRN_ for more updates on projects. Have a great Spring Break. 73, Kevin, KC5LDC B-Funds ------- Thanks to the extrordinary efforts of the B-Funds Team, ARCUA has enough funds to complete the repeater project. For the Spring semester, the club was awarded $445.70 for the purchase of a power supply, an antenna, transmission line and duplexers. This award, combined with the Fall award, gives ARCUA a total of $799.99 for the academic year. Congratulations to the B-Funds Team (Kevin KC5LDC, Ryan KC5LDD, Dan K5FXB, and Prof C K5GOE)!! Boy Scouts ---------- Phase I of ARCUA's Scouting project is moving right along under the supervision of President Kevin. ARCUA members will be helping Boy Scouts get their Radio merit badges. The first organizational meeting will be held Monday March 3 at 1830 CST in either ENGR 209 or W5YM (check W5YM-L for late breaking details on QTH!). There is still time to get in at the ground floor since the project is just getting underway and still needs instructors. Please email Kevin at kthornto@comp.uark.edu. Girl Scouts ----------- Phase II of the project involves helping Girl Scouts get their Science merit badges. ARCUA members will be assisting Tau Beta Pi, the group that is organizing the project. VP Clendon is the contact person for volunteers for this community service project. His email is cgibson@comp.uark.edu. CPR --- ARCUA is organizing a CPR class. The class will be the American Heart Associations "C" level class. It includes Adult, Child, and Infant CPR techniques as well as skills for assisting choking victims. Cost will be $15 if six people take the class, $20 otherwise. So far, four people have signed up. 40 m beam --------- Charles Tillotson N5NXH has offered the club a two element, 40m beam. Free for the taking. There is a catch, however: it's 50+ feet up his tower! A work posse will be organized shortly after Spring Break to assist Charles in the removal of the beam and the installation of it's replacement. Watch W5YM-L for details. Congrats -------- To former member Joel Harrison WB5IGF on his election to Vice President of the ARRL and to Rick Roderick K5UR (who also shows up in the "Operator" column of W5YM's logs) on his election to Delta Division Director. TeeVee Boy ---------- Watch for ARCUA President and Broadcast Journalism Major Kevin Thornton to make his acting debut in an upcoming Ozarks Electrical Cooperative ad. Rumors are that his performance is electrifying! Our Condolences ... ------------------- All ARCUA members express our most heartfelt condolences to our Faculty Advisor Professor Charlton and his family on the death of his father, Dr J Laurence Charlton this past February 29. Prof C's father was 91. Our condolences also to Dr Jim Akers W5VZF on the recent death of his wife. Dr Akers was an ARCUA member in the 50s and is currently trustee of W5YD, the club station of the Mississippi State University ARC. 73 DE W5YM =========================================================================== Considering joining the ARRL? If you do, make sure you do it through ARCUA. Why? Because the League lets us keep $5 from every new member that joins. We get $2 for every renewal, too. In addition to QST, widely viewed as the best amateur radio journal on the market, ARRL membership gives you a voice in amateur radio related affairs in Washington DC. Please contact the treasurer 3 months in advance of your renewal date. =========================================================================== Razorback Radio News is a publication of the Amateur Radio Club of the University of Arkansas, Inc. All contents are Copyright (c) ARCUA 1996. Peter Laws, Editor.