********************************************* * Razorback Radio News - Electronic Edition * * (c) May 1996 * ********************************************* Annual meeting - 1st Thursday of September Regular meetings - 1st & 3rd Thursdays of each month Informal Lunch meeting - every Thursday Operation SKYWARN - whenever necessary!! Prufe Readah sez ---------------- Graduation is only days away. Your faithful editor and prufe readah will be one of those walking. Amazingly, 25 issues have been put out since Razorback Radio News was ressurected in January of 1994 and every one's been a joy. Well, almost! The torch now passes to Kevin Thornton KC5LDC and I'm sure he'll do a fine job, being a journalism student and all. Thanks. - Peter N5UWY Next Meeting ------------ ARCUA's next meeting will be May 2, 1996, at 1845 CDT in Engineering Hall room 209. This will be the final meeting of the school year. The business meeting will precede a presentation by Mr. Lee Ward W5DUA at 1900 CDT. Last fall, Mr. Ward attended the Beijing International DX Convention, the first and only hamfest in China. His program will include slides, talk, and questions. Always prepared --------------- The storms that ravaged the Fort Smith area on the night of April 21, 1996 also moved through the Fayetteville and Madison County area. ARCUA members Kevin Thornton, Peter Laws, Ryan Wells, Walt Carter (and probably others) helped out in the Skywarn operations on the 146.760 repeater. The annual Disaster Preparedness Drill on April 23, 1996 also involved ARCUA. Dan Puckett, Woody Charlton, Walt Carter, Peter Laws, and Clendon Gibson participated. On the subject of being prepared, Field Day is designed to keep amateurs on their toes. The dates for this year are June 22nd and 23rd. W5YM will once again be on the air. Where will we be transmiting from? Well, we don't know yet. Our usual location, the Agri Park, has already been booked for that weekend. More details will be sent out soon concerning Field Day activites. Congrats -------- Club member Yew Yuan KC5OCS recently defended his thesis and was awarded a Master of Arts in Geography. Club member Jason Reeves recently passed his Technician exam. His callsign is KC5TTQ. Some members now refer to him as KC5 Trash Talking Queen. Finally ------- Club members Walt Carter N5YGR and Peter Laws N5UWY will be graduating May 11, 1996. Mr. Carter will be receiving a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering. Mr. Laws will be receiving a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science with a minor in Geography. Food, fun, and facts -------------------- A cookout was held on Dr. Charlton's deck the night of Saturday, April 20. It was a lot of fun, with plenty of good food. Peter Laws gave an excellent presentation on the history of W5YM, including old licenses and the first electronic edition of _Razorback Radio News_. Kevin Thornton KC5LDC and Ryan Wells KC5LDD were the gourmet chefs for the evening. Walt enjoyed the large amount of smoke billowing from the grill and mentioned that we should make CW contacts using smoke signals. Meanwhile, the cooks were crying their eyes out. Not because of the joy of cooking gourmet burgers for a group of wonderful people, but because they were slowly being asphyxiated by the smoke. Boy Scouts ---------- The Boy Scout project has wrapped up. The two final sessions involved the building of a 555 oscillator kit. The kids had lots of fun and many plan on getting their technician license in the summer. Great recruiting job, eh? 40 meter beam ------------- ARCUA now has a 40 meter beam sitting on the roof. Plans are to install it on the tower this summer along with a 2m discone for the W5YM repeater. Many thanks to Charles Tillotson N5NXH for the donation of the beam. Thanks also to Kevin, Ryan, Jason, Dr Charlton, Clendon, Chuck, and others who helped in the removal of the beam and the installation of Charles' new beam. Repeater -------- The components for the 2m repeater have been purchased. The next step is to get them all to one location and make them work. Plans are to install the repeater very soon. Fundraising ----------- The fundraising letter is close to being completed. The letters will be mailed out to persons in our database soon. Prez sez -------- Well, thank goodness the semester is about to be over. It looks like we are going to have several members in the Fayetteville area this summer. so I expect to get several projects completed during the summer months. Thanks for a great year. I believe we have upheld our reputation as being one of the most active Registered Student Organizations on campus. We are certainly the best. Have a wonderful and safe summer. - Kevin KC5LDC 73 DE W5YM =========================================================================== Considering joining the ARRL? If you do, make sure you do it through ARCUA. Why? Because the League lets us keep $5 from every new member that joins. We get $2 for every renewal, too. In addition to QST, widely viewed as the best amateur radio journal on the market, ARRL membership gives you a voice in amateur radio related affairs in Washington DC. Please contact the treasurer 3 months in advance of your renewal date. =========================================================================== Razorback Radio News is a publication of the Amateur Radio Club of the University of Arkansas, Inc. All contents are Copyright (c) ARCUA 1996. Kevin Thornton, Editor.