Congratulations... ------------------ To Joe Wiggins (Asst. Chair, CSCI) and Scott Fendley (CSEG) who passed the exams necessary to become Technician-class Amateur Radio Operators, and to Sam McCarty KB5LLW (ELEG), who passed the Advanced class exam. Good job, men! Meeting ------- Last Thursday's meeting went very well. Mark Whatley WA5IED (an ARCUA member in the '60s) gave an interesting presentation on E-M-E (Earth-Moon Earth) communications. Reports were given by the various officers. A motion to build an emergency power supply was passed. This will be done using the recently awarded ASG "B Funds". The remainder of the money will be reserved for the purchase of an HF vertical antenna. E-M-E ----- Continuing with the Moon theme ... A group of hams "borrowed" a Canadian government radio telescope in Ontario this past weekend. A 46m-wide dish to be exact. The idea was to give OSCAR-class stations a chance to experience EME, a facet of the hobby that usually requires multiple multi-element beams. Well, W5YM is an OSCAR-class station. So, Walt N5YGR, Tony WB2ROC, and I went up there on Friday evening to hear what we could hear. We heard CW signals. Bounced off the Moon. Amazing. We sent our callsign several times, but due to the nature of EME work - weak signals, "libration" fading - we never heard if they replied. Oh well. At least we heard them. Foxhunt ------- ARCUA will be sponsoring our second foxhunt this coming Saturday. Meet at the Agri-Park on Garland at 0900 local time. This hunt is being organized as an entry-level hunt in order to get area hams interested in transmitter hunting. This skill comes in handy when the hidden transmitter is that of a downed aircraft's ELT (emergency locator transmitter).